My Village

Oak Lawn is the Place This post is devoted to the history of Oak Lawn as I see it and my personal matchbook collection 1923 photo - Oak Lawn Public Library on the photo itself As I turn old and grey I need physical things to remind of who I am and what I've done. This orate plate below is one of those reminders to me - that I grew up in a place that has history, I have some history in it and a lot of my life was formed by it. this plate is part of my collection 1909 calendar circles the outer circumference of the plat. That year Oak Lawn was incorporated as a village in the County of Cook the text on the plate is barely noticeable at first glance so some creative lighting revealed the description on the face of the dish The Man Behind the Plate This is apparently his second store on 95th Street and Raymond at the turn of the 20th century image below - 'Oak Lawn' by Kevin Korst ...